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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving has been Robbed and Christmas is all Messed Up!

My husband is a Black Friday junkie. He's a Black Friday junkie primarily because he's an electronics addict, and the deals on electronics on Black Friday (so he assures me) can't be beat. The secondary reason my husband is a black friday addict is because he is an extrovert, so he gets a strange high off of waiting in lines for hours and making new friends. Every time a new iPhone comes out, Rob gets in line at about 2am and meets a new friend.

For me, however, Black Friday is just like it sounds -- black. Let me give you some background as to why: thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. First of all, I'm a foodie. I love food. I love cooking food, eating food, trying new types of food, reading about food, shopping for food -- I LOVE FOOD! So you can see why I would love a holiday that focuses on food.

I also just love that for Thanksgiving, there are no obligations but to sit around a table with the ones you love, spend some quality time, and just break bread together. There are no cards to send, presents to buy, yards to decorate, parties to attend, or things to wrap. Just eat.

Lastly, although it's not technically a religious holiday, as you know, I find the practice of giving thanks very meaningful. Between the breaking bread with those you love, the feasting, and the giving of thanks, Thanksgiving often feels more spiritual to me than Christmas.

Then the morning after this idyllic family love feast of delicious food and gratitude..... BAM! PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY TRAMPLING EACH OTHER AT 4AM IN THE COLD FOR NINTENDO WIIS!!!!! It's like going to get a relaxing massage, and at the end, the masseuse pulls out a jackhammer and starts ripping out the floor beneath you!

People won't even let my dear Thanksgiving have its one glorious, relaxing day! For years we have been putting out Christmas decorations and playing Christmas songs before we've even given Thanksgiving a chance to breathe! But now, we've really gone and done it: when I saw the latest Target commercial the other day, I almost had a conniption fit. This year, Target is now opening for Black Friday not at 6am, but at midnight on Thanksgiving Day! This means husbands like mine are tempted to leave the Thanksgiving table early and go stand in line. They've robbed Thanksgiving of its 24 hours, and friends, I'm taking it personally.

Thanksgiving is not the opening day of Christmas, whatever Macy's might suggest. It's a beautiful holiday of its own right about breaking bread with family and friends, feeding the hungry, and giving thanks for all that we have.

And Christmas -- I'm sorry people -- is not about presents, or holiday cheer, or family, or Santa, or parties, or beautiful decorations, or even giving for that matter (which holiday has the word "giving" in it? Remember, twelve days after Christmas, when the Magi arrived on the holiday we call Epiphany, gifts were given... to the Christ child, not to teach everyone to give gifts to everyone, but show that honor should be given to the Christ child, where honor is due.) Every Christmas movie I've seen has a moral at the end where they reveal the "true" meaning of Christmas, and although they might be warm and fuzzy meanings (like family or giving) they always miss the mark. Those meanings for Christmas might even be better suited for my dear old Thanksgiving!

Let's be clear: Advent is about waiting for Messiah, and Christmas is about the birth and arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ into this world. Thanksgiving is about gratitude, family, and giving; Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of the messianic promise. Both holidays carry very worthy messages that deserve their own air time, but I'm afraid neither message is getting through. Thanksgiving has been robbed and Christmas is all messed up!