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Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I received a beautiful gift the other day -- a Monarch butterfly chrysalis waiting to open. Finally, one morning I saw it had just emerged, so I took it outside to set it free.

It took longer than I thought for her wings to dry. She hung on the twig. Moved around to perch in different positions. Tried her wings. Hung there a while more. It took a few hours. But once she made up it's mind she was ready -- she took off! Fast!

Her first flight was only marginally successful -- she landed quickly in the grass. I was afraid the dog would step on her, so I put my finger down and she latched on. She sat there on my hand for a moment, as if catching her breath, then flew away up into the trees.

It was magical and I am reminded how powerful a symbol this is for our life of faith. I recently found this prayer that seemed appropriate:

A Chrysalis of Grace


give us

a chrysalis of grace

wrapped around

our lives
& our dreams

& around

our past.
And in the dark & lonely
remind us

to change

& grow
as we wait

& wait
& wait

& wonder.
Open our eyes
to see a peak
of light

as bright

breaks through.
Then finally
but gently

push us
into the future
to emerge
a new creature
to realize

these wings
are meant

to fly.

by Tracey Marx

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