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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

God's Economy

The epistle of Ephesians is historically thought to be written by Paul, although scholars have questioned it. However, this letter (whoever wrote it) is no doubt a letter written to a people in conflict, a community in crisis. Therefore, the overwhelming theme of Ephesians is Unity.

So, it’s telling that right out of the gate in this first letter (Ephesians 1:3) the writer begins by reminding them that God has already given them everything they need.
This theme isn’t an anomaly in scripture (2 Peter 1:3). This is God’s Economy..

We have everything we need.
a.    We live out of a source of God’s abundance versus the myth of scarcity.
b.    We can’t be deceived by the culture of scarcity that sears our consciousness with thoughts of lack and insufficiency.
c.     When we live out of scarcity, we fight, we bicker, we think we have to tear others down, in order to build ourselves up. 
There is no need to fight over the crumbs, when our God is the King who invites us to sit at the table.
God’s economy is steeped in ENOUGH.

There is ENOUGH in the world.
a.    There is enough in this world. There is enough time, enough resources, enough compassion, enough love.
b.    There is enough and we are enough.
c.     None are deserving…but every one of us is worthy.

God’s abundance is all around us…
a.    The answers to our questions are within us, the resources we need to accomplish the goal has already been given to us.
b.    We just have to Open Our Eyes to See it.

So, instead of looking for excuses for why it can’t be done, we must be willing to dream big and allow God to fill us with a vision, and then look for ways to get it done.

"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” 
~Shel Silverstein

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