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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Radical Amazement #2 -- Evolution

Romans 8:22-23

We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies.

Excerpts from Radical Amazement -- by Judy Cannato

"All creation is mysteriously bound together in a process of becoming all that we hope for."

"Step[ping] back from any fear or resistance -- to see the simple beauty of how creation unfolds can bring us to the brink of awe and catapult us into the mystery that is the source of all."

"I often wonder if resistance to the theory of evolution is yet another unconscious incidence of the reluctance to surrender our anthropocentrism and an attempt to retain the ancient illusion that the universe is only about us humans."

"All creation participates in the creative mystery together. The fecund energy we call God is at the heart of the evolutionary process, working from within creation."

Quoting from Caroline Webb:  "Our bodies express all the history of life on this planet. And that history is also the history of every mountain, every river, every ocean, every pond and every millimeter of rock and soil, every wisp of water vapor and every breath of the atmosphere blowing ceaselessly around our globe. In our bodies flows the knowledge of an entire planet, an entire solar system, and the universe. It is nothing short of spectacular! What a cause for celebration."

"Rather than being a process that degrades human status, evolution allows us to glimpse a profound mystery, one that reverberates all the way back to the ancient mystics who say, 'We are all one.'"

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