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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Healing Old Wounds

Mark 5:25-34

We have begun a sermon series entitled “Tending the New Creation,” during which we’ve said God makes all things new. In doing so God calls us to see things differently (including people, ourselves and our faith). However, before we can see things differently, we must first seek healing for our old wounds. Because most often we do not see things as THEY ARE, but as WE ARE. In other words, the wounds of our soul often cloud our vision and alter our interactions with others.

Let's be clear. God offers healing. Don't get me wrong, medicine is beneficial and counseling/therapy can be incredibly helpful (even lifesaving), yet in addition to those things, the power of Spirit can go beyond any other means. We can be healed, delivered and set free from the experiences that sear our soul (however shallow or traumatic). So, not that these suggestions are exhaustive, but here are my offerings for us as we seek the cool healing balm of God.

  1. Tell the Truth: We must be able to recognize what “it is” without playing the continual tape of “would-have, should-have, could-have” been. We must fully come to grips with the reality of the situation, while also taking full responsibility for any way we have participated in our own suffering.
  2. Let Go: Not simply let go, but let go of ego attachments. Our ego is the part of us that self-centers on our own pain, obsesses with our own needs, and takes all things personally. It's also the part of us that finds our worth in what we do, where we work, what we drive, to whom we are married, what part of town we live, where we went to school, what we wear, etc. Our healing will come when we no longer associate with external labels, but find worth in God’s love alone.
  3. Fall Back: Speaking of God’s love, this is exactly from where true healing comes. We must fall back to our true self. Our true self, as Zen Masters call it, is the face we had before we were born. Some have called it the soul, others the spirit. In Hinduism, if God is the ocean, our true self is a cup of that living water. It is the indestructible “us”, the eternal part of us, the divine energy part of us, the source of our life, …simply stated, when we fall back to our true self, we are falling back to Love, for God is Love. When we live from this place, we live in connection (to God and others) and not fear (ego). This part of us is pure love…and thank God for love! Love liberates us; it is truly the healing balm that heals us, the cooling waters that set us free.

No matter what hurt or pain you have encountered. Be ye healed today! Be ye delivered! Be ye Set Free!

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