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Friday, August 7, 2015

New Mexico Sabbatical Journal 1

Rev. Christine Ng is on sabbatical in Northern New Mexico. As the Spirit moves, she will send thoughts from her sabbatical experience.

 Here in the high desert of New Mexico, without air conditioning, I find I am more attuned to the rhythm of the day. It’s cool in the morning; a good time to walk or do other things out doors. The birds are more active, and I love to watch the hummingbirds buzzing around the feeders. It’s also when I’m more likely to see other wildlife. I tend to get up earlier here, with the sun, to take advantage of the lovely summer mornings.
 In the afternoons, the sun becomes intense, the air more still, and the heaviness of summer heat sets in. Time to rest, move more slowly. Siesta.
 Then as the sun gets lower in the horizon, the temperature begins to cool again. Back come the hummingbirds. And the bunnies. There is a second period of activity that leads into early evening. And lately, right before sunset, the coyotes have been howling, as though chanting down the son. Hauntingly beautiful.
 I find if I pay attention to this rhythm I am more at peace, more focused, and move productive. If I try to fight it, go against it’s wisdom, I am usually sorry.
 I know as the seasons change and we move from Summer into Fall, this rhythm will change. And that I must change with it, adapt. What a lesson there is in that.

 And it makes me wonder: What is (or should be) the natural rhythm of my life? How am I paying attention to that? How am I fighting it? As the seasons of my life have changed, have I adapted? Will I be willing and able to adapt as they change again?

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