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Friday, March 1, 2013

Lenten Poetry Series - Steve Ng

Every Wednesday night at 7:45pm, we've been gathering in the Library to explore the psalm of the week through prayer, drawing, and poetry.  Here are some poems from Steve Ng based on the psalms we have been studying.  Stay tuned to the blog for more from our resident poets and featured psalms!

Based on Psalm 42

I hear you my soul
rumors of past things
I have attended to.

Cast down and covered up
my feet kicking the dead leaves
to hide the bare earth.

Patches of soil where I once raised
roses in former times
handed to others in affirmation of life.

You tell me my soul
to remember why
I was such a person.

I am still that person
I will grow again
and give to others this affirmation of life.
-- Steve Ng

Based on Psalm 43 six-word poem

You: God, why?
Send! Lead, let . . .
-- Steve Ng

Based on Psalm 100 (NRSV)

All generations
all the earth

A joyful noise
coming with singing.

Know that
this is his pasture

We are his people
we are his beloved sheep
coming forth with bleating
hooves digging his green grass.

It is our worship;
all we can do is praise.
--Steve Ng

Based on Psalm 100 (The Message)

We Christians are a secretive lot
We live in a great Unseen World.

We want people to come
We want everyone to join our club.

But there is a password
Everyone knows what it is

Some say it all the time
Even if they're not Christians, they should be

Because they're members of the club.
It's not our club, really
It's God's club.

Oh, the password?
You know it.
But have you said it?
Without asking why?

Yes, it's "thank you"
I'm glad you asked.

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