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Monday, December 8, 2014

Advent 9 - Winston

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
~Maya Angelou

      When considering the Christmas story, most persons would highlight the major events…angels, managers, and shepherds. However, I’m often drawn to the human emotion found between the lines. Can you imagine how terrified a young teenage Mary must have been…BUT then she finds comfort in Joseph and her cousin Elizabeth! Joseph, due to the culture, was faced with a difficult decision BUT then he gets a message from an angel. Both Mary and Joseph must have been distraught by the thought of having no place to deliver baby Jesus, BUT then there’s a stable and visits from shepherds and “kings.”  Their hearts must have soared in gratitude and relief!
       When I come home after a long day I’m not exactly greeted by angels, shepherds or Wise Men BUT I do have Winston (or “Winnie” as I affectionately call him). Winston is my 4-year-old West Highland Terrier and he, like most of our pets, can fill me with great emotion. He adores me and always makes me feel appreciated and loved unconditionally.
        So, during this Advent season take a moment to recognize those, human or otherwise, that make us feel loved and valued. For, just as Elizabeth and Joseph and the Wise Men did for Mary, God expresses God’s love and care for us in many different ways, and if we’re lucky, some of them even come with fur!

-- Rev. Ray Jordan

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